
Our founders

At Elimo we are all about engineering.

We are fluent in electronics

Elimo’s engineers have decades of experience designing electronic devices and writing the firmware needed to drive them.

Our mission is to turn your ideas into products that land in the sweet spot where the desired functionality, high performance and managed costs meet each other.

We believe our success is a reflection of what we have achieved for our many satisfied clients. We are proud of the solutions we have delivered to the briefs we have undertaken. Elimo is also pleased to extend its support after the brief is fulfilled, enabling our clients to optimise their returns from a product as it evolves over its lifecycle.

Matteo Scordino

Founder, Principal Software Engineer

Matteo started his adventures in computing with a Commodore 64 in his childhood bedroom and never looked back. Stereotypical, maybe, but it worked!

After a Masters in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa, Matteo started his career almost two decades ago designing firmware for NXP Semiconductors. He went on working in a variety of fields, from safety-critical systems in commercial and military aviation to card payment, wearables, electronic toys and consumer electronics. Having designed software and led international engineering teams from corporations and startups alike, Matteo has acquired a varied experience in hardware-software co-design, bringing ideas to the protoype stage, growing them into a finished design and supporting the manufacturing processes with automated tools to scale all the way to mass production.

Matteo strongly believes in cooperation and connecting cultures, which led him to move internationally and to work closely with design and manufacturing companies across the world; the time came when the natural next step was to build a business around his passion for making things work and somehow managed to convince Simon that was a good idea.

That was the beginning of Elimo Engineering.

Simon Richards-Martin

Founder, Principal Hardware Engineer

Simon’s passion for hardware goes back as far as his 7th birthday

That’s when he was given a range of batteries, lightbulbs, buzzers, and switches to use to play with and make circuits. From there, Simon further developed his passion over his career and is now an accomplished electronics design engineer with several successful projects and a number of commercially available products under his belt.

In Simon’s career so far he has found himself involved in a variety of industries, including laboratory equipment, satellite broadcast equipment, smart lighting, interactive toys, smart IoT devices, and consumer electronics.

As Elimo’s Co-Founder and Principal Hardware Engineer, Simon provides a vision of real-world hardware solutions to complex and varied client specifications, while taking into account the client’s needs, ethos, and mission.